What Is a Rolling Rota? Rotating Shifts Meaning & Example

what is a rolling rota

Meelik Samel
November 24, 2023


Some industries just cannot operate with 9 to 5 or any other weekly schedules and require rotational shifts to provide extended or even 24-hour coverage for positions. This article will provide you with a better understanding of what is a rolling rota, how and when to use it and why it’s beneficial or even crucial for many industries.

What is a rolling rota? Rotational shift meaning

A rolling rota scheduling system involves continuously cycling through shifts or work patterns. This method ensures fair distribution of work hours among employees while maintaining operational needs and accommodating varying shifts in demand. Rolling rotas are used in industries that require continuous coverage and need to adapt to varying demand levels and unforeseen events.

So, how to understand rotational shifts meaning a bit better? With rotating shifts, employees periodically change their work hours and the times at which they are required to perform their duties. This approach is especially prevalent in industries that operate around the clock or have extended working hours, such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and emergency services. The primary goal of rotating shifts is to ensure position coverage in a way that no single employee is consistently burdened with unfavourable shifts.

In a rotational shift scheduling system, employees take turns working different shifts, which may include day shifts, night shifts, and sometimes swing shifts that fall in between. This rotation ensures that all employees share the responsibility of working during less desirable hours, distributing the challenges and benefits of shift work more evenly across the workforce. On the other hand, people working on rotating shifts will usually have the benefit of longer rest periods.

Rolling rota examples

There are many different types of rolling rotas, each with its own rulesets. One of the commonalities is that they all aim to provide 24/7 coverage. We will get you acquainted with some of the most widely used rotational shift patterns to get you up to speed on how to schedule employees effectively and in which industries should use them.

The Pitman Shift Schedule

The Pitman Schedule, or Pitman Rotation, is commonly used in industries with continuous operations that require day and night shifts, such as manufacturing, mining, healthcare, and public safety. It provides a structured rotation of shifts to prevent employee fatigue while maintaining 24/7 coverage.  It was developed by British engineer and mathematician Isaac Pitman in the 19th century.

The traditional Pitman Shift Schedule typically consists of three eight-hour shifts worked over a 24-hour period, usually organised as follows:

  • Shift A: The morning shift, typically from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM

  • Shift B: The afternoon or evening shift, typically from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

  • Shift C: The night shift, typically from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM

The schedule then rotates in a specific pattern, often using a 4-week or 6-week cycle, to ensure that employees take turns working each of the three shifts. The rotation pattern can vary based on the organisation's needs and the employees' preferences.

For example, a common 4-week rotation for a Pitman Shift Schedule might look like this:

  • Week 1: A, B, C

  • Week 2: B, C, A

  • Week 3: C, A, B

  • Week 4: A, B, C (repeat from the beginning)

The Pitman Shift Schedule is designed to provide a regular change of shifts to help prevent employees from becoming fatigued due to prolonged exposure to a single shift. You should manage this schedule carefully to make sure that employees have sufficient rest periods between shifts and to comply with the work rotas law UK has implemented.

The DuPont Shift Schedule

The DuPont Schedule, sometimes simply called a 4-week rolling rota, is often employed in industries like manufacturing and petrochemicals. It allows employees to work fewer days in a month (usually an average of 15 days) while ensuring operational continuity. It was developed by the DuPont Corporation, a major American chemical company, and is designed to provide around-the-clock coverage while minimising the impact of shift work on employee health and well-being. The DuPont Shift Schedule typically involves a four-group or four-crew rotation system, with employees working 12-hour shifts.

The DuPont Schedule week is structured as follows:

  • Group 1: This group works four consecutive night shifts, typically from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM and then has three days off

  • Group 2: This group's employees work three consecutive day shifts, usually from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, has one day off and then work three night shifts

  • Group 3: This group starts the first week with three days off and then works for 4 day shifts

  • Group 4: This group has just completed the workweek that Group 2 is having. Group 4 has the whole week off.

rolling rota example

You can download our 4 week rolling rota excel template to quickly get started with the DuPont Schedule.

The DuPont Shift Schedule usually operates on a 4-week cycle:

  • Week 1

    • Group 1 works four nights and has three days off

    • Group 2 works three days, has one day off, and works three nights

    • Group 3 has three days off and works four days

    • Group 4 has the whole week off

  • Week 2

    • Group 1 works three days, has one day off, and works three nights

    • Group 2 has three days off and works four days

    • Group 3 has the whole week off

    • Group 4 works four nights and has three days off

  • Week 3

    • Group 1 has three days off and works four days

    • Group 2 has the whole week off

    • Group 3 works four nights and has three days off

    • Group 4 works three days, has one day off, and works three nights

  • Week 4

    • Group 1 has the whole week off

    • Group 2 works four nights and has three days off

    • Group 3 works three days, has one day off, and works three nights

    • Group 4 has three days off and works four days

The key advantage of the DuPont Shift Schedule is that it allows employees to work fewer days in a month (usually an average of 14 days) while still providing 24/7 coverage. The extended shifts, typically 12 hours, can provide employees with more consecutive days off, which can be beneficial for work-life balance and can reduce the number of shift changes.

The 6-4 6-4 6-4 Schedule

The "6-4 6-4 6-4" rolling rota, also called “the 6 and 4 schedule”, is often used in manufacturing industries. In this schedule, employees work six consecutive days, followed by four days off, and this pattern repeats.

Here's how 6-4 6-4 6-4 Schedule typically works:

  • 6 Days On: Employees work six consecutive days, usually following a fixed shift, which can be day shift (e.g., 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM) or night shift (e.g., 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM).

  • 4 Days Off: After working for six days, employees are granted four consecutive days off.

This 6-4 pattern then repeats, with employees returning to work for six days and having four days off once again. This schedule is a form of compressed workweek, where employees work longer hours per day but enjoy extended time off. The specific hours of the shifts may vary depending on the organisation and industry, but the key feature is the 6-day work period followed by 4 days off.

The advantages of this schedule include extended time off periods, which can provide employees with better work-life balance and more opportunities for rest and relaxation. However, it's important to manage this schedule carefully to ensure that employees have adequate rest between shifts, and it should comply with labour regulations regarding working hours and breaks.

The 24-48 Rolling Rota

The 24-48 rotational shift work schedule is a type of work schedule often used in the field of emergency services, particularly in the context of fire departments. In this schedule, firefighters work a 24-hour shift, followed by 48 hours off. This pattern repeats, resulting in a three-day cycle.

Here's how the 24-48 shift work schedule typically works:

  • 24-Hour Shift: Firefighters are on duty for a continuous 24-hour shift. During this time, they are typically stationed at the firehouse or emergency service facility, where they are ready to respond to emergencies.

  • 48 Hours Off: After completing the 24-hour shift, firefighters are granted 48 consecutive hours off. This extended break allows them to rest, recover, and attend to personal matters.

  • Repeat: The cycle then repeats, with firefighters returning to work for another 24-hour shift, followed by 48 hours off duty.

This schedule provides continuous coverage for emergency services, as firefighters are always on call during their 24-hour shifts. The 48-hour break between shifts is longer than the typical two-day weekend, which can be advantageous for rest and recovery.

The 24-48 shift work schedule is designed to accommodate the unique demands of the firefighting profession, where personnel need to be available for emergencies at any time. It's structured to ensure that firefighters have enough downtime between shifts to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

While the 24-48 schedule has its benefits, it can also be physically and mentally demanding due to the long shifts and the potential for disrupted sleep patterns during overnight emergencies. Fire departments that use this schedule often have specific policies and procedures in place to manage shift work and provide support to their personnel.

The 4 on 4 off schedule

The 4 on 4 off rotating shift pattern is a type of work schedule commonly used in various industries, especially in roles that require continuous or around-the-clock operations. In this schedule, employees work four consecutive days and then have four consecutive days off, and this pattern typically repeats, creating a consistent rotation.

Here's how the 4 on 4 off rolling rota typically works:

  • 4 Day shifts: Employees work four consecutive days, which can be 8-hour, 10-hour, or 12-hour shifts, depending on the organisation and industry. These workdays are often followed by four days off.

  • 4 Days off: After the four workdays, employees have four consecutive days off, providing an extended break from work.

  • 4 Night shifts: Employees work four consecutive night shifts which are usually the same length as day shifts for fair shift distribution

  • 4 Days off: After the four night shifts, employees again have four consecutive days off, providing an extended break from work.

  • Repeat: The cycle then repeats, with employees returning to work for four days and then having four days off, and so on.

The specific hours and shifts can vary depending on the organisation and industry. Some organisations use this schedule for roles like healthcare professionals, manufacturing workers, and public safety personnel, as it provides both operational continuity and a reasonable work-life balance.

One of the main benefits of 4 on 4 off rotational shift pattern is that employees get extended 4-day rest periods which will also reduce their commutes. But it's essential to manage this schedule carefully to ensure that employees will also have adequate rests between shifts.

Pros and cons of using rolling rota for work

Now that we have covered some widely used rotating shift patterns, it’s clear that the nature of these rolling rotas is quite different compared to regular shift rotas. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons that come with rolling rota work.


Fairness and Equity

In the world of workforce management, the concept of fairness and equity is paramount. A rolling rota system excels in distributing less desirable shifts, such as weekends and night shifts, among employees in a way that prevents any single worker from bearing an unequal burden. For example, in a bustling healthcare setting, a well-structured rolling rota ensures that all nurses take turns working weekend shifts and night shifts. This equitable approach minimises feelings of unfair treatment and fosters a harmonious work environment.


Predictable schedules hold the key to employees' ability to plan their personal lives well in advance, including childcare arrangements, social activities, and doctor's appointments, without fearing last-minute disruptions. In a retail business, employees who know their scheduled hours and days off well in advance can confidently plan family gatherings and vacations. This level of predictability enhances work-life balance and reduces the stress that often accompanies last-minute scheduling changes.

Efficient Staffing

A well-crafted rolling rota has the ability to align staffing levels with demand, optimising resource utilisation. This results in cost-effective scheduling, especially for businesses with fluctuating workloads. Consider a bustling restaurant where the rolling rota ensures more servers are scheduled during peak dining hours and fewer during slower periods. The result? Lower labour costs and more streamlined operations.

Streamlined Scheduling

Once a rolling rota is firmly established, it can significantly reduce the administrative burden of constant scheduling adjustments. This benefit is a boon for managers and employees alike, freeing up time and resources for more important tasks. In manufacturing, for example, a well-maintained rolling rota minimises the need for frequent shift changes, leading to a smoother production process.

Compliance with labour laws

Adhering to labour laws and regulations is not only a legal obligation but also a moral imperative to ensure the welfare of the workforce. A rolling rota system can provide crucial assistance in meeting these legal requirements. For instance, in a healthcare facility, ensuring that healthcare workers adhere to legally mandated rest periods and working hour limitations is vital to patient safety and employee well-being.


Complex Design

Crafting a well-balanced rolling rota can be a daunting task. It requires an in-depth understanding of workforce dynamics, individual preferences, and industry-specific demands. Picture a hotel manager responsible for creating a rolling rota that considers room occupancy fluctuations, employees' varying availability, and union labor rules. The complexity of the design is a considerable challenge.

Potential for Fatigue

Poorly designed rolling rotas may lead to employee fatigue due to excessively long shifts or inadequate rest between shifts. This can have a detrimental impact on employee well-being and job performance. For instance, in a manufacturing plant, overly extended 12-hour shifts without adequate rest can result in exhausted employees, negatively impacting safety and productivity.

Training and onboarding

Implementing a rolling rota may necessitate additional training for managers and onboarding for new employees to ensure a smooth transition to the new scheduling system. This additional effort is exemplified in a retail chain's HR department, which must provide training to store managers to effectively implement a rolling rota and communicate the changes to the existing workforce.

What industries and businesses typically use rolling rota?

Some industries require rolling rotas, or rotating shift schedules, for continuous and uninterrupted operations to ensure that staffing levels are adequate at all hours. This is necessary for allowing these industries to deliver consistent and uninterrupted services.

Healthcare industry

In the healthcare industry, the need for continuous care is inevitable. Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities operate 24/7 to provide medical services, emergency care, and patient support. As a result, healthcare professionals such as nurses, doctors, and support staff are often scheduled on rolling rotas. This approach ensures that there is a constant presence of qualified personnel to respond to medical emergencies and attend to patient needs. It also helps manage the workload and prevent burnout among healthcare workers by distributing day and night shifts fairly.

Emergency Services

Police, firefighters, and paramedics form the backbone of emergency services, and their roles are essential 24/7. These first responders work on rotating schedules, ensuring that there is always a rapid response to emergencies. The rotating shift system allows them to rest and recover between demanding shifts, reducing the risk of fatigue and ensuring they are prepared to handle critical situations effectively.


Airlines, railways, and public transportation services are crucial for moving people and goods efficiently. Crew members, drivers, and transportation personnel work in shifts to ensure the safe and continuous operation of these services. Rolling rotas are commonly used to manage the schedules of these employees, guaranteeing that transportation services are available at all hours while promoting work-life balance for staff.


Certain retail businesses, especially large department stores and supermarkets, remain open 24/7 to cater to diverse customer schedules. Employees working in these establishments are often assigned rolling rotas, allowing for flexible staffing during different shifts. This approach ensures that the store is adequately staffed to provide customer assistance, restock shelves, and manage operations even during the late hours.


The hospitality industry, which includes hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues, often operates throughout the day and night. Front desk staff, housekeeping, and kitchen personnel work on rolling rotas to accommodate the varying demands of guests. By rotating shifts, the industry ensures that guests receive consistent service, and employees have predictable work hours.


How does a rotating shift differ from a fixed shift?

Rotating shifts and fixed shifts differ primarily in the scheduling patterns and predictability of work hours. In a rotating shift schedule, employees work various shifts over a specified period, often including day shifts, night shifts, and swing shifts in a predetermined rotation while fixed shifts involve employees working the same shift consistently without rotation.

What is a 2-week rolling rota?

A 2-week rolling rota is a scheduling system in which employees work in a repeating pattern of shifts over a two-week cycle. This schedule ensures that employees' work hours are evenly distributed while providing some level of predictability. In the first week, employees are assigned to specific shifts, and in the second week, they may have a different set of shifts. The cycle then repeats.

This approach allows organisations to maintain operational flexibility and meet varying staffing needs while offering employees a degree of consistency in their work schedules. It is particularly useful in industries where work hours need to be balanced and rotated among the workforce, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, to ensure fair distribution of work hours and promote employee well-being.

What is a 4-week rolling rota?

A 4-week rolling rota is a scheduling system that spans a four-week period and involves a repeating pattern of shifts for employees. In this type of schedule, employees work specific shifts during each of the four weeks, and the pattern then repeats. This approach aims to provide a balance between predictability and flexibility.

This offers employees an extended view of their work schedules, which can be helpful for planning personal activities while still ensuring equitable distribution of work hours and staffing to meet operational needs. Industries that require continuous coverage and shift rotation, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and emergency services, often use 4-week rolling rotas to manage their workforce efficiently.

Can employees change their work schedule in a rotational shift system?

This is highly dependent on the industry and on the specific workplace. Rotational shift schedules can be more rigid in industries where staffing is critical for safety or operational reasons, for example, in healthcare, emergency services, or manufacturing. But in some cases, employees can arrange shift swaps with their colleagues.


How to Create a 4-Week Rolling Rota in Excel: FREE Template


Work Rotas Law UK: Shift Pattern Notice & Other Laws (2024 Update)