How to Make a Rota in 7 Easy Steps: Fair Rota Best Practices

how to make a rota

Meelik Samel
November 24, 2023


Rota management can definitely seem like a stressful process that needs continuous attention and can still be prone to errors. How to make a rota that works well for your business but keeps all your employees happy at the same time? This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on rota planning. We will also discuss the best practices and highlight the benefits of an effective team rota.

How to make a rota: Video Guide

The following video will guide you through the steps of how to do rotas in a way that minimises administrative workload and maximises both the efficiency and productivity of your workforce while offering balanced shift distribution.

How to make a rota from scratch in 7 easy steps

Making a rota can seem like a hectic and stressful job at first, especially when working out how to schedule employees effectively for a larger workforce or if you are dealing with irregular shifts and schedules. But if you approach it systematically, it doesn’t have to be a difficult task. For this, we outlined 7 steps to get you started.

1. Identify your requirements

To start making a rota, first you should determine the number of hours or shifts that need to be covered. Be sure to consider any specific roles, skills, or qualifications required for each shift. Calculate the total number of hours or shifts that need to be scheduled during the specific time frame you are planning for (e.g., a week, month, or another period). Make sure to also account for peak hours, busy days, and any special events or projects that might require additional staffing.

Some positions may require specific expertise, such as a licensed bartender or a certified lifeguard. Identify the skills, qualifications, or certifications required for various roles or shifts. Make sure you have the right people in the right roles. To simplify the requirement identification process of your rota management, review historical data, if available, to understand patterns and trends in demand. This can help you anticipate busy periods and allocate resources accordingly.

2. Choose a scheduling format and create a template

Choosing the right scheduling format is a crucial aspect of how to do rotas, and it largely depends on the nature of your business or organisation. Consider whether a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule best suits your needs. The choice should align with your specific business requirements and, importantly, your employees' preferences as well. Your industry or sector may have specific scheduling constraints and industry-specific factors that influence the schedule format, such as round-the-clock shifts with 4-on-4-off patterns. So, keep these in mind when making your decision.

Your template should clearly present essential information such as dates, days of the week, and shifts. You can use spreadsheet software or specialised scheduling tools for this purpose. The key is to make the template user-friendly, easy to read, and able to accommodate all necessary information. A well-designed template not only simplifies the scheduling process but also reduces the likelihood of errors in your rota management.

3. Assign Shifts

When you have your templates in place, allocate shifts by matching employee availability and preferences with the shifts that need to be filled. Always consider individual employee skills and qualifications when making these assignments and strive for a balanced distribution of shifts to avoid overburdening specific employees. This step often requires a blend of both logistical and interpersonal skills, as it involves managing employee preferences, competencies, and organisational needs.

For some organisations, implementing a shift rotation system can be advantageous for their rota management. This ensures that employees take turns working different shifts or roles. Rotation can prevent employee burnout, encourage skill development, and boost team morale. It's essential to define rotation patterns clearly and communicate them to employees. A well-structured rotation plan is not only fair but also promotes a more flexible and versatile workforce.

4. Manage absences and availabilities

Your employees’ availability and time off are other cornerstones of making a rota that works well for both your organisation and your employees. This includes preferred work hours, days off, and any restrictions that might affect staff scheduling. Moreover, requesting time-off preferences well in advance is crucial. This enables employees to communicate their vacation requests, personal commitments, or other time-off needs, allowing you to plan around them. 

We recommend you implement clear guidelines for requesting and approving time off, including a method for resolving conflicts when multiple employees request the same time off. Managers should be equipped to handle these requests fairly, following predetermined rules and considering the needs of both the business and the employees. This will help you maintain adequate coverage during the absence of employees who have been granted time off and prevent disruptions in your operations.

5. Balance work hours and ensure compliance

As you collect availability information, remember the importance of a fair distribution of shifts among employees to prevent overloading some while underutilising others. This equitable approach creates a more harmonious work environment and is key to maintaining employee satisfaction. It's also wise to build flexibility into your schedule, allowing for unforeseen changes or emergencies that may arise.

It's crucial to ensure that employees do not exceed their maximum allowable working hours within a specified period. Compliance with work rotas law UK has implemented and labour regulations regarding working hours, rest breaks, and overtime are non-negotiable. Overworking employees will lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction, which can, in turn, negatively affect productivity and employee retention.

6. Track and manage changes

By now, you should have a decent starting point. But rota management is a dynamic process that requires ongoing attention. You should regularly review and update the rota to accommodate changing needs, new hires, and employee turnover. Monitor the effectiveness of your rota and make data-driven decisions for further optimisation to ensure that your scheduling remains efficient and responsive to your organisation's evolving needs.

7. Communicate and seek feedback

Effective rota planning is not possible without a well-oiled communication process. Sharing the rota with your team well in advance is essential to prevent scheduling conflicts and misunderstandings. Use clear and efficient communication channels to ensure that all employees are aware of their shifts. When scheduling conflicts or concerns arise, address them promptly and transparently to maintain a harmonious and productive work environment.

How to make a rota on Excel

If you just want to start scheduling with Excel, you can find our rota template here. But if you want to create your Excel rota from scratch, this section will guide you on how to quickly get started on this with the best fit for your organisation.

Set up your spreadsheet

When you open Excel, you will often see a blank workbook, which is where you'll build your rota. If not, you can create a new workbook by going to the "File" menu, selecting "New," and choosing "Blank Workbook." Within the blank workbook, you'll find a grid of cells with columns labelled by letters (A, B, C, etc.) and rows labelled by numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). This is the canvas for your rota. Customise the column headers to match the information you want to include. For example, label column A as "Employee Names," column B as "Monday," and continue with the days of the week or add columns for shift times and other relevant details.

Create a template for your rota

In the columns representing the days and time slots (e.g., "Monday," "Tuesday"), enter the shift information for each employee in the respective cell. You can manually enter shifts, such as "Morning" or "Night." To create a repeating pattern, start with the initial schedule for the first week and then use Excel's autofill feature to extend this pattern for subsequent weeks.

Apply conditional formatting

Conditional formatting can enhance the readability of your rota. To apply it, select the range of cells you want to format. Then, go to the "Home" tab in Excel, click "Conditional Formatting," and choose a formatting rule, such as cell color or font color, based on your needs. Configure the conditions and formatting options to your preference.

Save and distribute

To save your Excel rota, click on the "File" tab in the top left corner. Select "Save As," choose the destination on your computer, provide a name for the file, and select a file format, typically ".xlsx" for Excel files. Finally, click "Save" to save your work. Then, share the rota with your employees. You can do this by printing physical copies, saving the rota as a PDF (use "Save As" and select PDF format) and email it, or by uploading the rota to a cloud storage service (e.g., Google Drive, OneDrive) and sharing the link or granting access to your employees.

If you require a physical copy of your Excel rota, click on the "File" tab and select "Print." Configure the print settings, including page orientation, paper size, and margins. You can also preview the printout to ensure it appears as expected. Keep in mind to regularly update the Excel rota to reflect any changes, such as shift adjustments, employee availability, or new schedules, to make sure that the rota is consistently accurate and accessible to your employees.

What are the best practices for creating fair and efficient employee rotas?

Now that you know the main steps of creating a rota, it’s time to take look at how to make a rota management process fair and efficient for all of your employees. We have outlined some of the most essential practices you should always consider when creating and maintaining fair rota schedules.

Plan ahead 

Planning ahead for rota creation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enables strategic resource allocation, ensuring that you have the right people in the right roles, which reduces staffing issues and enhances efficiency. Secondly, it helps proactively manage disruptions and conflicts, leading to a less stressful work environment and increased productivity. Additionally, long-term organisation benefits from planning ahead, allowing you to prepare for busy periods and maintain compliance with labor laws.

Distribute shifts fairly 

Ensuring fair shift distribution promotes equity and employee satisfaction. When shifts are distributed fairly, employees are less likely to feel overburdened or unfairly treated, leading to better morale and a more positive work environment. Fair workload distribution also enhances productivity as fair shift distribution minimises instances of burnout among certain team members and ensures that the workforce remains fresh and engaged. And this will result in higher productivity and better-quality work.

As an added bonus, it can improve your employee retention rates. When your staff members perceive that shifts are assigned fairly, they are more likely to stay with the organisation. This reduces turnover, saving time and resources associated with recruiting and training new staff.

Avoid last-minute changes

Last-minute changes can disrupt your employees’ personal lives and make it challenging for them to plan around their work schedules. This can lead to dissatisfaction and lower morale. Avoiding last-minute changes will demonstrate your respect for your employees' time and work-life balance. It builds trust and a positive work culture, which will contribute to higher retention rates and a more motivated workforce.

Monitor overtime

Monitoring overtime will help you control labour costs. Overtime pay typically involves higher wages, so tracking and managing it effectively can prevent excessive labour expenses, contributing to better financial stability for the organisation. But it also promotes employee well-being and prevents burnout. Excessive overtime can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, negatively impacting employee health and morale. Monitoring overtime allows you to identify individuals who consistently work long hours and address potential issues before they lead to burnout.

Why is fair rota planning important?

Fair rota planning will keep your employees more satisfied than unbalanced shift distribution. In the long term, it will make managers’ and schedulers’ work easier and help your business perform better. So, in essence, it’s an initial time investment for implementing a well-working rota management system that will bring you long-term returns. Let’s take a look at the specifics.

Employee Well-being

Fair rota planning will help ensure that employees have a reasonable work-life balance. It prevents overworking or scheduling employees for long and irregular hours, which can lead to burnout, stress, and negative health effects. Fair rota planning will reduce the risk of accidents and injuries that can occur when employees are fatigued or stressed due to unfair work schedules. 

Better customer service

When employees feel that their work schedules are fair and accommodating, they are also more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their jobs. This, in turn, can lead to better customer service and overall business success. While it may seem like a small detail when managing a large workforce, it can be the difference between a one-time customer and a regular. 

Equal Opportunities

Fair rota planning promotes equal opportunities for all employees. It helps ensure that no particular group of employees is consistently disadvantaged when it comes to work schedules. This is important for promoting diversity and inclusion and avoiding any form of discrimination in the workplace. But from a business perspective, equal opportunities will help you better understand the talent you are managing with their specific strengths and weaknesses and make even more fitting scheduling decisions. 

Productivity and efficiency

Now, this goes without saying, right? That’s why we feel it’s so important to highlight this issue, as we still continue to read overworked employees. A well-balanced work schedule that matches employee skills and preferences will improve productivity and efficiency. And this will get you better business results. When employees are scheduled in a way that aligns with their natural rhythms and energy levels, they are more likely to perform at their best during their shifts.

Reduced Employee Turnover

Unfair or unpredictable scheduling can lead to high employee turnover, which is costly for businesses. Fair rota planning can help reduce turnover by ensuring that employees are content with their work schedules and less likely to seek alternative employment.

Financial Savings

Fair rota planning will also work in your business’ favour as well. It can help you optimise labour costs and reduce unnecessary overtime, minimise understaffing or overstaffing, and better manage labour resources. In addition to all this, it will also help you avoid the costs associated with employee absenteeism and turnover.

Reputation and Brand Image

We have discussed how staff well-being will help your employee satisfaction, business productivity and customer service. When you tie all this together, it will help you create and maintain a positive brand image both as an employer and as a service provider. And this will give you a long-term competitive advantage when attracting customers and top talent.

What to do once you’ve created your team rota

Now that you have your rotas in place, there are a couple of last important aspects you should not forget. 

Protect employee data

Make sure the individual data in your employee rotas is sufficiently protected. If you’re using spreadsheets, consider whom to provide access to and make sure to distinguish between who can view and who can actually edit the document. If you provide printouts, do not add any other information than what is essential for the scheduling process. 

Seek feedback

Finally, encourage employees to provide feedback on the schedule and the scheduling process. This feedback can be collected through regular meetings or surveys and should be used to make improvements continually. Addressing concerns and suggestions from your team is essential to enhance job satisfaction and productivity. By maintaining an open and responsive dialogue with your employees, you can fine-tune your scheduling process to create a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Create and manage rotas easily with PARiM 

Now that you know how to make rotas but want to take this process to the next level with further automation, you can try PARiM Rota Software. PARiM provides you with a staff database to store all necessary employee information and uses employee positions, qualifications and preferences to make the shift allocation process even quicker.

Add as many employee profiles as needed

Working with spreadsheet rotas means that you also need to manage your employee data in someplace. PARiM lets you do all this on one platform. You can create employee profiles and add contact information, positions, skills and qualifications. What’s even better is that you can upload documents and certificates, and PARiM will remind you of the expiration dates.

Create as many employee profiles as needed, as PARiM provides you with an unlimited staff database with unlimited free users. And you can also rest easy knowing your employee data is protected.

Create long-term rotas quickly

Now that you have your employee database in place with positions, skills and preferences, you can easily filter out the most appropriate staff members for each position. If you need advanced rotas, such as 4-on-4-off, it just takes a couple of clicks to automate these. And if some rotas are just working well, then all you need to do is copy and paste and send new schedules in bulk to all your employees, who will receive updates in real-time.

Manage absences

With PARiM, you can set up custom absences and holidays with automated pay rates. You can have your employees request holidays or absences from the app. Managers will receive requests in real time and have options for approvals and denials. For a bigger picture, managers and schedulers can work with the absence calendar to understand trends and see which periods require extra staffing.

Publish open shifts for quick replacements

Sometimes, people will get sick, and you need to find replacements quickly. For this, PARiM lets you publish open shifts. The software will automatically seek out relevant staff members who will be invited to apply. This will make it easier for you to find replacements and can provide additional scheduling options when you need to fill a large number of shifts quickly.


Work Rotas Law UK: Shift Pattern Notice & Other Laws (2024 Update)


Free Rota Template UK: Excel, Google Sheets, PDF