FM & Cleaning Business Staff Management Software
Our cleaning staff management software allows you to accurately schedule staff, automate timesheets, calculate gross income, invoice amounts, expenses and absences with the click of a mouse.
“PARiM is perfect for making sure that all of our processes are systemic. Ensuring that our business is efficient and scalable. I know where everyone is and my team can book holidays without ringing me or sending emails. All of which saves my time as a manager”
Start a free trial to explore…
Staff Proximity sorting for finding urgent cover
Automate Pay and Charge Rules for all shifts
Time Clock Control Page
Leave & Absence Tracking
Manage Split Shifts & Shift Patterns
Supervisor and Staff Clock In
Lone Worker Check Call Module
Real-time alerts for lateness, left early, out of zone
Quick Shift Pattern Creation

Automate timesheets and save hours of admin time spent collating and inputting data into our online timesheets, calculating holiday pay, Staff scheduling online, checking attendance and chasing approval from clients.
Time & Attendance with GPS Clock In/ Out
Ensure you are notified if staff are late or fail to clock out
Proof of on-site using NFC Tags or iBeacons
Ability to add expenses to shifts
Asset & Uniform Management
Our cleaning staff management software allows you to accurately calculate gross income, invoice amounts, expenses and absences with the click of a mouse. Know that your staff are on-site, punctual and most of all, know exactly how to get there safely and timely eliminating your clients knowing first and phoning you.
Enter your site information and get mobile workforce management notifications automatically via SMS or text from our cleaning staff management software when your staff members are on site and clocked in.
Our client portal will allow your customers to approve timesheets, view key documents - like specifications and insurance add book available staff online. This frees you up to work on building new business relationships.
PARiM Workforce Software gives you and your client’s total control over booking, staffing and monitoring your contracts.

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