Interim Healthcare Minneapolis

“With PARiM, the process of scheduling is quicker and easier. Each scheduler can now fill closer to 1,500 shift hours per week. A 50% increase on the previous 1,000 shift hours.”

Shari LaFavre,
President at Interim HealthCare Staffing Solutions in Minneapolis

Interim Healthcare is one of the leading healthcare providers in the US. Founded in 1966 and originally called Medical Personnel Pool, their name was changed to Interim in 1992 to allow the company to operate diverse lines of business under one banner and more adequately reflect the services provided at that time. Today, the Interim HealthCare brand encompasses home carehospice and healthcare staffing services.

Before PARiM

Before PARiM, we were using an old-style legacy system for our staffing that was designed for Home Care and Hospice with emphasis on all the care notes that we did not need. It was relatively labour-intensive and an inefficient process, with many touch points. 

We had to contact the staff and inform them about the available shifts first and we would be stuck waiting until they saw the email, text or voicemail. With the PARiM app the staff can see the shifts as soon as they are entered, and they can apply for them which saves a lot of time.

Benefits and advantages over other solutions

Since Interim Healthcare Minneapolis started using PARiM, we have had fewer touchpoints because PARiM automates communication and notifications. PARiM also has GPS tracking that enables our staff to clock in and out at their work site. We no longer have to get signed paper timesheets each Monday morning from our field staff. This also saves an enormous amount of time. Our field staff love the simplicity, and we even get referrals because they love the PARiM App.

This way, our schedulers can do more actual scheduling and they are much more productive - they can now fill closer to 1,500 shift hours per week, a 50% increase on the previous 1,000 shift hours. With two schedulers working 48 weeks per year, that’s potentially an extra 52,000 shift hours of revenue that can be generated.

With PARiM - the automatic notifications, the visibility of the app coupled with its ease of use saves us lots of time. It's super easy to edit and change shift times, and actual times and then approve or lock shifts for payroll.  And we are not using all the features yet!

Before we chose PARiM we looked at a number of other systems on the market, but none of them was as extensive/comprehensive or as easy to use as PARiM. 

In addition to the improvements in our team’s productivity, PARiM has great customer support along with articles, webinars and additional support options from every page. They offer great data reports that allow the tracking of revenue, costs, and margins.


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