Absence Management Software Will Solve These 9 Issues

Why is absence management important to be held to an increased standard when managing staffing companies? It can make the difference when planning to scale your operations and find new clients, affecting your organisation's productivity, time management and costs.

Staffing companies must be proactive in their approach to managing absences quickly and effectively. This involves immediately finding suitable replacements, managing costs, complying with employment laws, communicating effectively with clients and employees, and maintaining a positive work culture that encourages employee retention.

absence management software

Absence management methods built on pen-and-paper or spreadsheet systems cannot compete with these high requirements in today's environment, and staffing agencies should look for a dedicated software solution. We will take guide you through why PARiM offers the best absence management software for staffing companies by solving the following issues.

1. Finding Replacements

When an employee is absent, staffing companies must find a replacement quickly to meet their clients' needs. However, finding suitable replacements can be challenging, especially if the absent employee has a specialised skill set or if the client has specific requirements. In some cases, the staffing company may need to provide additional training to the replacement, which can further delay the process.

PARiM Absence Management System is a feature of PARiM Staff Scheduling Software that allows staff managers to quickly find replacements to cover absences. An unlimited user base provides the database for storing part-time employees and temporary workforce.

an employee checking phone notifications

You can create open shifts with position requirements, and all matching staff members will receive notifications on their mobile devices and can apply to the shifts from the PARiM app on a first-come-first-serve basis.

2. Managing Costs

Administrative tasks spent on absence management can also accumulate. They may require hiring additional schedulers and staff managers to take on back-and-forth communication and administrative work deriving from absenteeism.

PARiM Absence Management System gives administrators and staff managers tools to streamline and automate communication and offer significant time savings. Staff members can submit their absence requests from PARiM App, and managers can approve or reject requests from the app as well. This will reduce management's time spent on absences and frees up their resources to focus on other critical tasks.

3. Complying with Labour Laws

Staffing companies must comply with employment laws and regulations related to absences. This includes sick leaves, disability accommodations, and family and medical leave. Failure to comply with these laws can result in legal issues and financial penalties, damaging the company's reputation and bottom line.

PARiM provides the ability to set up custom absence types to easily monitor how many paid health days each employee has used. Our Staff Data Management allows you to fill in health information for each employee profile for any disability accommodations.

parim staff database

To ensure that the employees covering absences are not working more than the law permits, PARiM also provides Work Time Directive support for users based in the UK. But the toolset is also customisable to match any other local legislation when monitoring compliance with constantly evolving and evermore complex labour laws.

4. Communication

Effective communication is crucial in absence management. Staffing companies must have clear communication channels with their clients and employees to inform everyone of any absences and the steps to address them. This includes informing clients of any delays or changes to the project timeline and keeping employees informed of their entitlements, such as sick leave.

absence management app

PARiM solves this problem via the staff app, which operates as an employee self-service system. Staff members can submit leave requests for holidays with paid time or request time off when they have to miss work due to unforeseen circumstances. Managers receive requests instantly to their apps, where they can quickly accept or reject them and proceed with elaboration if necessary.

To keep your clients in the loop, PARiM provides you with Client Access Portal and Client Access App. Your clients will be provided with instant updates on when a new staff member covers an absentee and if this results in a change in the schedule.

5. Identifying Absence Trends

If your staffing company wants to make informed decisions for long-term planning and scaling, it is crucial to have a comprehensive overview of employee absenteeism and identify the trends. One study found that employee productivity lost to absences surpasses wages for individual workers, with the loss being even more significant for those working within teams.

absence management software

PARiM Absence Management software gathers absence data and lets you monitor attendance and identify absence trends, offering a great basis for implementing new absence management policies. Managers will gain an overview of productivity with the ability to identify any seasonal or individual absence trends.

6. Balancing Workload

When an employee is absent, the workload must be distributed among the remaining employees. This can lead to an imbalance in workload, resulting in some employees feeling overworked and others feeling underutilised. Staffing companies must balance the workload effectively to ensure that all employees remain productive and motivated.

PARiM Staff Scheduling Software provides you with a time management system to share the workload among your staff members in a fair manner. Our timesheet summary lets you see the number of hours each employee has worked within a set timeframe, along with the pay rate and scheduled pay. As an added bonus, it also streamlines your payroll process, as timesheets can be approved in bulk and exported to your payroll provider.

7. Time Management

Managing absences requires a significant amount of time and effort. Staffing companies must track employee absences, communicate with clients and employees, find replacements, and manage the costs associated with absences. This can be time-consuming, and staffing companies may struggle to manage these tasks while also meeting their other obligations.

absences app

In larger staffing companies, HR managers often work full time with leave requests and absence management policy. PARiM Absence Management Software will allow managers to approve absences individually from the app while on the go. The desktop view provides an absence list for bulk approvals, significantly reducing time spent on managing absence and leave requests.

8. Employee Engagement

High levels of absenteeism can lead to a decline in employee engagement. Employees may feel disconnected from their work and their colleagues if they are frequently required to cover for absent employees. Staffing companies must work to maintain high levels of employee engagement, even when managing absences.

employee absence tracking software

PARiM lets you implement a transparent absence policy that will be visible to staff members. Employees will see the number of days they can use for each absence type. PARiM also makes it easy to identify productivity by rewarding employees who have pitched in more and avoid workplace disruption.

9. Impact on Client Relationships

Absences can impact the relationship between the staffing company and its clients. If the staffing company cannot find suitable replacements quickly or if the absence impacts the quality of work, it can lead to a loss of trust and confidence from the client. This can damage the reputation of the staffing company and impact future business opportunities.

parim client access app

PARiM Client Portal and Client Access App act as a vendor management system to provide your clients with real-time updates on any changes in personnel or schedules. This creates an automated but proactive communication channel between your staffing company and your clients to ensure that all absences are taken seriously and dealt with immediately.

How to Get Started with PARiM Absence Management?

  1. Download PARiM's free trial and book a demo to have our experts guide you.

  2. Create employee profiles and let them download the app from Google Play or App Store.

  3. Create client profiles and let them download the app.

  4. Create custom absence types.

  5. Schedule shifts and manage absences as they come in.


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