Event Staffing: In-house Employees or a Staffing Agency?

The events industry encompasses many different types of happenings, from sports to large festivals, theatres and opera houses to private corporate events. Each of these presents its own requirements for finding the right event staffing solutions to deliver a successful outcome. On the other hand, there are many overlapping positions, such as ticketing, parking management and security. This presents the event organisers with a question: should you hire employees, or should you use staffing agency services?

While it's obvious that there is no definitive answer for this, each event is unique in its own right and thus presents individual challenges. For example, the sports sector, at a glance, can seem to operate similarly within its sector. But while some of the UK's biggest football clubs manage their own stewards, many other top-flight football clubs prefer to outsource their event staff from a staffing agency. This brings us to the question: what's the most efficient way to get the best event staff for your events?

When should you use in-house staff members?

With in-house employees, you have more direct control over the hiring, training, and management of staff, which can lead to a consistent level of service aligned with your venue's standards. This is definitely the appropriate choice for venues that oversee their regular events, such as theatres and opera houses.

Working with permanent employees gives you better control over the screening process and helps venues scout hard-working staff members who show interest and commitment to the specific area your venue operates in. This allows you to create a team that meshes well and provides a long-term investment in people.

For venues that hold history in high regard, compiling teams of permanent employees helps ensure that they align with your organisation's values and act as brand ambassadors. This is much more difficult to achieve with a staffing agency. For example, ticketing as a first contact point can be crucial for a good impression on your guests. Event people employed by you will also have in-depth knowledge about the venue and can thus provide better assistance.

While staff employed by you will definitely offer a lower labour cost per hour, it can provide financial risks if your venue is not guaranteed regular business. For venues that operate more with renting and providing a location for events, using an event staffing agency for managing traffic, ticketing, security, and even bar staff can help ensure that all positions are filled with professionals in their areas without investing in long-term employees.

What venues should operate with local employees?

Small concert venues: Concert venues that organise events and rely on local technical equipment will benefit from having an in-house technical team. Having a core team of in-house employees can help maintain consistent event operations and customer service, while front-of-house staff can be trained to handle the specific demands of the venue's equipment and setup. Many will

Theatres and opera houses: In a theatre setting, having a dedicated team of in-house actors, stage managers, and technical crew allows for consistent and well-practised performances. The team can develop a deep understanding of the venue's facilities and requirements, contributing to smoother operations.

theatre staffing

Regular sporting events: Many sporting venues benefit from engaging their local residents and fans directly, either as employees or volunteers to better engage the community and ensure their brand values are properly represented.

Museums and galleries: Art galleries or permanent exhibition spaces may benefit from having a team of in-house curators, guides, and technical experts who are deeply familiar with the exhibits. This can contribute to a higher quality visitor experience.

In-house staff benefits

  • Motivated staff

  • In-depth knowledge of the venue and event logistics

  • Alignment with brand values

  • Lower cost in long-term

In-house staff drawbacks

  • Higher upfront costs of hiring and training

  • It may require regular business as off-seasons can be costly

When to look for a staffing agency?

Staffing agencies provide staff to support event staffing. They can provide event staff for occasions where locational differences don't matter as much, such as traffic management, security guards, bar staff or catering. Agencies also provide a significant amount of flexibility and can help out with trained event staff on short notice in case of any last-minute changes.

Another major benefit of staffing agencies is the administrative workload that they will cover. As an event organiser, you will not have to worry about separate employment contracts and training processes. For one-time event staffing, this will also be the most cost-efficient solution. On the other hand, the hourly rates are certainly higher, which should be considered if planning recurring events.

For large concerts and sporting events with temporary exhibitions and corporate seminars, staffing agencies can be the most efficient choice as they provide excellent scalability and trained professionals who have previous experience. But for recurring events and venues with tighter control over their programmes, outsourced staff can be more expensive and inefficient as they are not as well versed in cultural values or possess in-depth knowledge about the venue.

What events should operate with staffing agencies?

Corporate events: For larger conferences or specialised workshops, a staffing agency can provide additional event coordinators, technical experts, and registration personnel. This helps manage the increased workload without needing a permanently large events team.

event staffing software

Major sporting tournaments: For major tournaments or events with fluctuating attendance, a staffing agency can provide additional security personnel, ticketing staff, and stewards. This allows the venue to manage surges in crowd size without permanently expanding the workforce.

Large concert venues: For large concerts with varying technical requirements and security needs, a staffing agency can quickly provide skilled sound engineers, lighting technicians, and security personnel as needed. This ensures that the right expertise is available for each event without the venue needing to maintain a large permanent technical team.

Temporary exhibitions: For temporary exhibitions or specialised events, a staffing agency can supply additional guides, event coordinators, and technical staff. This ensures that the unique needs of each exhibition are met without burdening the permanent staff.

Staffing agency benefits

  • Reliable event staff

  • Cost savings

  • Flexibility

  • Skill diversity

  • Scaling possibilities

Staffing agency drawbacks

  • Less control over training and service quality

  • Less understanding of your cultural values

  • Higher cost per hour

Hybrid approach: a core team with additional staffing

On certain occasions, combining permanent or temporary workforce with event staff partners can be the optimal solution. While this requires an extra layer of communication and teamwork, it can offer the previously described benefits from each side.

Festivals: A hybrid approach could involve a core team of in-house staff responsible for planning, coordination, and key festival roles, supplemented by agency staff for roles that require scaling up during the festival. This approach allows for consistent planning and execution while addressing the need for additional manpower.

festival staffing software

Trade Shows and promotional events: A hybrid approach could involve using a core team of in-house employees who are well-versed in the company's offerings and brand, supplemented by agency staff to provide additional manpower during peak trade show seasons or for larger events. This approach combines the benefits of expertise and consistency with flexibility and scalability.


To some extent, every event and every venue are unique in their own right and finding comparisons will only get us so far. But understanding your venue, audience, aims, and expectations can help you find the most appropriate event staff. But one thing is certain, whether operating with permanent employees or staffing agencies, both require a careful selection process to find the right workers and partners to do the job.


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