Mobile Absence Management to launch on April the 6th


As lockdowns end and you plan ahead, questions of what to do with absences may arise. Will your people resume calling off late? Will you need to dust off that written absence policy that few people ever read?

You are not alone. Absenteeism is becoming a major problem for the global economy, sickness absences costing a median of £546 per employee in the UK and related productivity losses costing $225.8 billion in the United States.

That's where our upcoming Mobile Absence Management release comes in

Available from 6th April as a free update to our iOS and Android apps, it empowers your people to take ownership of their planned leave as well as last-minute disruptions. While everyone from frontline staff to supervisors to top management can reduce their reliance on PCs and Macs.


Temporary Staffing faces higher odds of sickness absences

A 2013 study shows that organisations managing temporary workforce face c. 20% higher odds of absenteeism than those that manage primarily a permanent workforce.


Temp Staffing at Councils and Municipalities risks substantially higher odds

Surprisingly, the study highlighted that temporary employees in county councils (odds ratio of 1.73 compared to 1 for permanent employment) and municipalities, in particular, have 70% higher odds of unexpected sickness leave?


Review everything in mere seconds and then a single tap to approve

As a manager, your life at work is never static and with the pandemic, it is far less office-centric. Mobile Absence Management on PARiM not only reflects that change in the way you work on the surface but throughout each layer of the process.


Meet Mobile Absence Management


Employee Onboarding for Temporary Staff: a Quick Checklist