NEW RELEASE: Reimagine your Pay Runs with PARiM


The latest update to PARiM, titled Clarity to highlight our focus on better and clearer HR & financial data, brings a reforged and renamed Pay Run report (previously titled the Payroll report). With it you can process your pay runs faster and without friction. The resulting data can be quickly exported to your preferred accounting software, easily fitting your existing workflow.

It's plenty fast

We wanted to do an in-depth video showcasing the Pay Run report but the fact is that with PARiM doing your payroll is so simple and straightforward that anyone in your team can get the precise pay data you need in less than 30 seconds. So the video is as short and simple as doing your payroll with PARiM will be:

Pay run options that you need

That being said the Pay Run report still packs a punch. Let's take a look a couple of examples. Firstly, you get access to brand new filters for Pay Schedules and Employment Types that allow to filter the data in the report down to the people and timesheets you want to deal in at any given moment. 


And it gets better – uniquely, with PARiM you can now run payroll based on either the timesheet date or the timesheet approval date. A subtle but important difference depending upon what approval workflow you have chosen to run your business that no other software suite offers.

PARiM brings benefits and confidence across your entire organisation


With this new release you can now use PARiM to bring together the information that underlies your organisation for a faster and more engaging business processes. Our aim is to bring different departments and people doing different jobs together by making sharing vital info and insights seamless. If you haven't used PARiM before we invite you to get to know how our solution more closely by booking a demo


What makes for great medical scheduling software?


NEW RELEASE: Employment types improve HR planning, classification & your operations